My back is... eh... I'll give you the TL;DR version:
My back has an awesome knack for getting crooked and very inflamed in one spot. It halts everything because it's so painful. I end up sitting or laying down a lot. A lot meaning all the time. Movement is painful. Only thing that works to fix it is a chiropractor visit and lots of pills.
I couldn't afford either for 6 weeks. No gym. So I didn't have a reason to go outside. Well, I couldn't go outside because I could barely walk. So, I couldn't challenge my emetophobia every day. I need to do that to keep it at bay. The thoughts have been creeping in. Sloooowly but surely.
I'm not afraid like I used to be. I'm not obsessive in hand washing or checking my food. The only consistent fear has been going back to the gym now that my back is starting to improve. I guess it's a fairly easy target - I'm ashamed I got thrown off track AGAIN, I'm scared to see where my fitness level is at now (I suspect tear-status), and I'm so anxious that lifting weights or doing whatever cardio will aggravate the inflammation. It's like the anxiety is a cell with receptors for only other anxieties. "You're so out of shape now!" becomes "the gym will make you vomit because you're so out of shape now."
The gym and my eating habits are very much linked in my head too. Barely a week after my back gave out I stopped eating well. I ate stuff that made me feel sick, bloated and anxious. So much sugar. I was nauseas for weeks. My stomach hurt for weeks. I was disgusted with myself for weeks. What the hell is that kind of behaviour about? Punishment? For what? Having a weak back that no amount of core exercises seems to improve?
I really do not like getting somewhere and then something happening (see: getting very ill and bed-bound for months, father dying, getting foot run over, becoming severely depressed because of foot, and repetitive painful flare ups of my back) and losing all that progress.
If I can't go to the gym everything about me starts going downhill. I need it to feel good, to make progress in other parts of my life. And to make me less whiney and to give me some hope at maybe developing some self-esteem. I need that self esteem. I motivate myself through guilt and shame. Effective as it is... Maybe there's a gentler way.
I'm scared and limited. Not as scared and limited as I was, but still scared and limited. If I don't stop myself I'll become increasingly scared and limited. I'm jealous of the motivation and will I had this time last year. It was harder then, but easier to get on with.
Damn, writing that really made me feel a lot better. Maybe I shall actually give this bloggy thing a really good go. Maybe I'll start taking pictures of everything I eat to post on here as an extra little bit of motivation. Though, it will probably be rather boring as I am very repetitive in what I eat.
But fuck it, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
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