Over the past few days I've written several very eloquent blog posts in my head... which have inconveniently slipped out of conciousness before I had a chance to actually write them down.
Nothing much is happening here... besides almost constant nausea. If I didn't know for sure I wasn't pregnant, I would suspect I was pregnant. Good lord. Am I going to hork again? Why do I feel the need to hork all the time? I want to go to the gym damnit.
Instead of going to the gym I have spent a lot of time in bed staring at my laptop, internetting. I've interneted so much that there's nothing left to internet. I've watched Long Way Round through twice. I've re-read the entirety of my favourite blog. I watched a documentary about prostitutes. Napped. Lots of napping. No fapping. Lolololol.
This has left me oodles of time for thinking. Thinking is a dangerous rabbit hole I try to avoid going down when I know I have no therapist to help me out with what I find there. I think I've dealt with everything I know how to deal with and what's left I just throw my hands up at. Desperate for that letter with a date and time to come so I can feel like I'm on my way. Maddening how there's always something to fix with me. I can never just be.
Maybe the lack of husband is just depressing me. It's really brought home the fact that besides my husband there is no one here for me to hang out with. Really, nobody. Not one. I tried to get my brother to go canoeing with me. What is wrong with me?! I cringe at the thought of myself trying to speak to anyone at this point, online or off. It feels so obvious to me that I am not wanted and yet I act like... that kid in school who is oblivious to the fact that they are, in fact, just not liked and manage to butt in everywhere.
Or maybe people are so used to me not being a friend that when I try they are stupified into silence.
I am lonely. That's what it boils down to. I went to a cafe with my former best friend the other week. We had not seen or spoken to eachother in over three years. We somehow have ended up with plans to go see a concert together. Good lord it was nice to see someone. To chat, to laugh, just to be around. Hi person! Let us converse! I texted her after, saying we should do it again. She said yes. I texted her again a few days later to make more specific plans. No reply. Do I smell? Do I have something on my face? What? WHAT? I feel like leper from society.
I don't know. I am pretty down.
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