Right. I was going to start this post off with an apology for the more than fair bit of whinging I do here but then I thought that, actually, there is nothing more annoying than people apologizing for things that need not be apologized for. And also this is my blog, my diary, my place on the giant internet so fuck off with your incessant demands!
One could say I fell off many horses after I finally stepped enough out of the denial regarding my therapist situation. Oh jesus fuck me, am I fucked or what? I can't afford the private therapist he recommended. Comfort eating galore. Surprisingly, however, I did not slack off school one bit. I will be studying this occurrence for years to come because WTF.
Speaking of school, I had a presentation due last Tuesday on sexual health and reproduction. At first I was completely shitting myself because seriously? I have to do an assignment with a group of girls I've never met in my life, forcing me to be social and accountable to other people (OH THE BLINDING HORROR!), and at the same time having sex shoved in my face every day for a couple weeks. I foresaw much wringing of hands and flinging of curse words... but in reality it turned out lovely. The girls were lovely. We laughed a lot, we worked really very well together and the subject matter was interesting and didn't make me run away at all.
I didn't forsee my problem to be after the presentation was done. Am I friends with the ladies now? Can I tell text them and harass them on facebook? They all seem keen to talk and are full of plans to hang out again but are they just being polite? I am so socially inept and penguin like about friendship that I really have no clue what is going on. Ah jesus. I would like to have them as friends.
In other news, my cat James turned three yesterday. And yes, he is adorable.
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