Ahhh I do love the internet. Where would I be without? Probably buried, to be honest. Definitely not married. But those are different stories to the one I intend to tell today. (But do ask me about the married one - it's good!)
As I've mentioned once or twice (ahem) I like blawgggs. I like reading about other people's lives. It's fascinating the type of people you can read and learn about through blaawggsss. I've read about women who had a hard time conceiving babies, I've read about mormon women (allegedly happily) married to gay mormon men, I've read about incredibly successful women. They've all taught me something.
Just this weekend I started reading about a Christian housewife who is married to a medical student. Religious people fascinate me. I'm not religious myself - I was thoroughly scared and scarred after my first relationship with a very Christian guy - and I guess a weird goal I have for myself is to figure them wacky Christians out. I've researched and read parts of the bible and I have the hardest time keeping my temper in check while doing so. The attitude towards women! Towards men! Goodness gracious me. The thing I have the hardest time wrapping my brain around though is how 'they' say that God and Jesus are nice but still will punish you if you don't live like the bible says, and that includes people who have never come in contact with Christianity at all and have had no chance to 'reject' it. If some awesome Christian could explain that to me I would be really grateful.
I really don't want to offend anyone - live and let live, I say - but the whole thought of religion just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Every religious person I've known - from my paternal grandmother (I really like my maternal one and my paternal one... not so much. So I make that distinction clear) to my ex boyfriend - has been very mean spirited about their saviour. Screaming at me that I will go to hell with the rest of my family and friends (especially the gay one, what scum!) and that I lured my ex into sexual intercourse because I had satan inside me (do not get me started on who prompted who to the sex... it was not me. GAH!) is not the way to show people how forgiving, gracious and kind your religion is. I have never felt acceptance, love or kindness from the eyes of religion; only judgement and anger. It's left a very bad taste in my mouth.
But! Blawgs that I have read have shown a different type of religious people. They seem to use positive thought patterns rather than the angry, judgemental kind. But then again, I have not seen them interact with non-believers. Maybe they shun them, maybe they look down upon them. I am very suspicious toward religion. It just doesn't seem like a kind state of mind.
There's one subject that really screws with my head though: Harry Potter. See, when my ex found out that I read Harry Potter he did not speak to me for three days in anger.
Harry Potter = wizard = witchcraft = satan = OMG!
But all these religious blogs I've come across lately talk about Harry Potter as a good thing, good books with a good message and they share it with their children. Again, if a Christian person could explain this to me I would be so grateful. I sincerely wish to understand. I don't know what I am more confused about concerning religion - blindly following a book written by a host of men during hundreds of years, or the hundreds of way that book has been interpreted and implemented into daily life. If I decided to be a Christian, how in God's name would I know which interpretation was the correct one?
In summary: Blogs = awesome! Religion = wtf?
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